Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest

Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest
dir. Mads Hedegaard/Denmark/2021/97 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lwów

”Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest is a deadly serious comedy, set in the world of arcade games and world records. It tells the story about the friendship between a group of unlikely heroes and peculiar world class gamers, who - on a backdrop of loss and longing – have set out to do what no one has ever done before: play the arcade game Gyruss non-stop for 100 hours.


  • projection time:
    97 min.
  • country/year:
    Denmark /2021
  • director:
    Mads Hedegaard
  • pictures:
    Mads Hedegaard, David Bauer
  • production:
    Katrine A. Sahlstrøm / Good Company Pictures
  • awards :
    2021 - Hot Docs, Toronto, 2021 – CPH:DOX, Copenhagen

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