Seeds of Deceit

Seeds of Deceit
dir. Miriam Guttmann/The Netherlands/2021/135 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lalka

The revelation in 2017 that the late Dutch infertility specialist Dr. Karbaat clandestinely used his own semen to inseminate over 65 of his patients shocked the world. ”Seeds of Deceit” is a vivid portrayal of how that happened and how it haunts today those affected: the emotional trauma of coming to terms with a changed, uncertain genetic origin.


  • projection time:
    135 min.
  • country/year:
    The Netherlands /2021
  • director:
    Miriam Guttmann
  • pictures:
    Sjors Mosman & Niels van Koevorden
  • production:
    Monique Busman & Michiel van Erp / De Familie Film & TV
  • awards :
    2021 - Sundance FF

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