Green Warsaw Award Competition juror.

Eco activist and one of Poland’s top eco influencers. Using her Instagram account, @eko.paulinagorska, and other social media channels, she eagerly educates her followers. She also runs a blog on eco-related issues: Before, she used to be the CEO of one of the Wirtualna Polska Group companies. This eco-expert and CSR enthusiast has for over a decade dealt professionally with electronic media.

She has delivered lectures at the Krakow Jagiellonian University, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and at the Leon Koźmiński Academy postgraduate CSR courses. As a speaker, she has taken part in conferences on sustainable lifestyles. She acts as advisor and delivers eco-educational presentations on transformation towards sustainability, raising awareness of environmental issues in companies, local governments, and institutions. Paulina Górska is a UNEP/GRID Climate Leadership Programme expert. As jury member, she has taken part in prestigious festivals and competitions, e.g.: Polish Radio 4 Nieprzeciętni, Design Festival, Glamour Eco Awards, Koźmiński Business Hub’s Startupy Pozytywnego Wpływu (Positive Start-ups), and Ludzie, którzy zmieniają biznes (People who Change Business) held by the Responsible Business Forum. She promotes conscious and responsible consuming, waste reduction, and the #lesswaste approach to life. Mother of two, she is a graduate of sociology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń; she also completed postgraduate studies on sustainable development at the Warsaw Leon Koźmiński Academy.

Paulina has managed to gather an 80-thousand-people social media community (on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok). Every day, she educates her followers on sustainable growth, ecology, and zero-waste efforts. In late 2020, with a group of activists, she piloted and oversaw the Warsaw Climate Panel. She is the laureate of the 2020 Responsible Fashion Elle Style Award and the 2021 FORBES WOMEN Leader of Sustainable Development. At present, she is working on her new podcast on sustainable development. It is scheduled to open in the autumn of 2021.

Photo by K. Głąbska.