Open-air Tai Chi workshop

Sunday, September 11 | 16:00 | Adam Mickiewicz Park

Open-air Tai Chi workshop

alongside the screening of "Be Water", dir. Bao Nguyen

Partner: Akademia Tai Chi Do

To this day Bruce Lee remains an inspiration to athletes, filmmakers, and audiences alike. The screening of Be Water gives us an opportunity to showcase his native culture and invite the attendees to join a Tai Chi workshop—it’s the perfect activity for our times.

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese art of relaxation, meditation, and combat, practiced by millions of people worldwide. It brings harmony to the body, breath, energy, and mind. The uncountable benefits of Tai Chi include strengthening the organism both physically and mentally. It is the key to inner peace and a source of strength in challenging situations, personal and professional alike.


Tomasz Dudarski—Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and I Liq Chuan teacher. Creator of TaiChi Online and Akademia Tai Chi Do. He started teaching Tai Chi and Chi Kung many years ago, constantly renewing his fascination with the art that prioritizes personal development and the things we find within. The health aspect is important as well, particularly today. The pandemic and the situation we all suddenly ended up in inspired him to start teaching Chi Kung online and create TaiChi Online.