Family Documentary Academy Difficult emotions: anger and sadness (age: 10+)

Saturday, September 4 | 09:30 | Goplana Room

Family Documentary Academy Difficult emotions: anger and sadness (age: 10+)

Meeting with a film educator Paulina Pohl after the block of films: ANGRY, dir. Frederike Migom and YAREN AND THE SUN, dir. Renate Raman, Joren Slaets

In Polish 

Partners: NSP Montessori Latawiec non-public school in Sopot, Educational Cha(lle)nge Association

It may not be easy to deal with one’s own anger or sadness. These are difficult emotions. Sometimes they are so powerful that they may paralyse you. How do others go through them? Do they have ways of dealing with them? As you get to know the story of the film characters, you will find out what problems they face and what helps them.

Aleksandra Mońko – deputy head for special education and the guidance counsellor at the non-public school Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa Montessori Latawiec in Sopot. She teaches classes to psychology and pedagogy students at the WSB Universities in Gdańsk and Gdynia. She sees assets in people, instead of their shortcomings (she finished the basic solution focused brief therapy course, Kids’ Skills as well as Prevention Organisers’ School). She engages in different activities, connects ideas and people as well as varied methods and means of expression. The Educational Cha(lle)nge Association, which she has co-founded, is a result of this.