„Towards permaculture”. Lecture following the screening “Journey to Utopia”

Monday, September 6 | 6:00 pm | DCF, Lalka

„Towards permaculture” lecture in Polish following the screening  “Journey to Utopia”

In Polish

Man’s influence on climate and the environment has led us to the Anthropocene era. A time of rapid climate changes, deterioration of soil, water and air quality, caused by irresponsible usage of Earth’s resources.  Permaculture is a global grassroots movement aimed at preventing environmental disasters. It is a code of ethics and design, based on natural laws that is universal in character. It not only inspires eco-friendly, bio-diversified and sustainable human settlements, but can also relate to people’s everyday activity, the choices we make in our private and social lives. After the screening, we will focus on the principles of permaculture and see how they are put to practice at Karise Permatopia, the eco-villag e where the film’s protagonists are living. We will take a comparative look at the actions taken at the Ołbiński Open Garden in Wrocław.     

Guest :

Bruno Zachariasiewicz - President of the Plastformers Foundation inspired by the grassroots Precious Plastic movement, and permaculture. Cofounder of “Change plastics into good habits” project and concept creator of a social garden called “the Działks”. Last but not least, initiator of the charity movent “Bike collection for the needy at Municipal Social Relief Institution”. 

 PARTNER: Fundacja Plastformers, Ołbiński Ogród Otwarty