Concert: Ruch Śniegu—Zakrocki and Rybicki following the screening of OH, IT HERTZ!

Tuesday, September 7 | 20:00 | Elektronik cinema

Concert: Ruch Śniegu—Zakrocki and Rybicki following the screening of OH, IT HERTZ! , dir. Gunnar Hall Jensen

There’s precious little tenderness in the cosmos, it seems to me. And of this small number we ourselves ridicule many a tender manifestation.

Miron Białoszewski

Ruch Śniegu emerged from our need to play simple and spare music. Benefiting from the richness of our musical languages, shaped by improvisation, we seek the essence. Only rarely do we abandon discipline while entering sonic contemplation. Our improvisation is targeted and direct. We maintain a purity of intentions.

After the screening we’re going to present our doubts and delights about 432 tuning from the perspective of music in practice. We will use direct auditory experiences to familiarize our audience with equal temperament and natural octaves, as well as the vibrations of music in 432 and 440 Hz. Join us for a deep listening experience.

Patryk Zakrocki — viola and synthesizer

Mateusz Rybicki — clarinet