Meeting: What does “childbirth with dignity” mean? Following the screening of Unseen, dir. Maia Martiniak

Monday, September 6 | 6:30 PM | Kinoteka 1

Meeting: What does “childbirth with dignity” mean? Following the screening of "Unseen", dir. Maia Martiniak.

In Slovakian with Polish interpreter

Partner: Childbirth with Dignity Foundation

Childbirth is not just uterine contractions—it’s a multidimensional, spiritual, mental and medical experience. The arrival of a baby is an exceptional moment for many parents, but the birth itself may prove traumatic. Some women may develop emotional disorders, like PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or PPD (postpartum depression). Our discussion after the screening will focus on the situation of women in the perinatal period. What rights and options do they have? We will discuss respecting intimacy and dignity, obstetric violence, and what evokes emotional and physical comfort as well as what destroys it.


Maia Martiniak — Slovakian producer and director. Her first feature documentary, "Unseen", an in-depth analysis of difficulties in pregnancy and childbirth, had been 7 years in the making.

Joanna Pietrusiewicz — chairwoman of the Childbirth with Dignity Foundation, expert on women’s rights in perinatal care, longtime activist for respecting human rights in perinatal care, promoter of perinatal care grounded in respect and women’s needs.


Ewa Kaleta — Gazeta Wyborcza journalist, reporter at Duży Format, essayist at Wysokie Obcasy and the ladnebebe parenting portal. Mom to Balbina.